Sunday School
Training and Equipping Investment

Next week, millions of people will visit churches and Bible studies hoping to learn how to deepen their relationship with God and honor him within our contemporary culture. If you are a teacher, some of these individuals will visit your Sunday school class and give you the opportunity to be one of those who spiritually guides them throughout this lifetime. Whether or not they continue to visit and join your class has a great deal to do with your ability to transform their lives through your teaching ministry.
This is why training is an investment. It is not only an investment in your Sunday school teachers and church but also in those who visit your church and eventually become members!
Sunday school training can be free
My goal is to train teachers to fulfill the Great Commission through their teaching ministry at no cost to your church or organization. This can be accomplished when a few different churches participate in the training. Here's how it works.
- Host pays a $200, non-refundable, deposit.
- Host pays travel expenses. This includes transportation to the location (airplane or car) and during the conference (car rental if necessary). If I'm already in the area for another conference, and you schedule a conference before or after that one, then the travel costs are proportionally divided between the different hosts.
- Host opens the training up to other churches and advertises the event.
- The registration fee for attendees is $20 per person or $30 per couple.
- Host keeps $5 of each registration fee.
Here's how it is free
Here's how the training can be free for the host. If 130 teachers come to learn how to be a transformational teacher (which is realistic if you have a few other churches bringing their teachers), then the expenses are offset by the registration fee.
Initial Investment:
• $200 deposit
• $300 travel (this will be the biggest variable since I may drive or fly to the location, and the trip could
include multiple conferences so the overall cost is proportionally divided. Let's just say
$300 for now.)
• $100 hotel
• $50 meals
$650 Total expenses
• 130 teachers attend X $5 per teacher goes to host = $650
So, in addition to equipping 130 teachers to fulfill the Great Commission through their teaching ministry, it comes with a small financial cost.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me: