Sunday School Teaching Strategies | Teaching Methods
Topic: New Sunday school teaching strategies and teaching methods are needed to help listeners around roadblocks that prevent them from applying your lesson.
New Sunday school teaching strategies and teaching methods are needed for teaching life-altering lessons
Of the number of Sunday school teaching strategies and methods available, the Teaching To Transform Not Inform series focuses on helping learners first learn and understand your lesson’s content, but then more importantly, it helps them integrate the principles into their life. The teaching methods and strategies center around helping students cognitively understand the information, then apply it. It helps you teach life-altering lessons.
Sunday school teaching strategies | Teaching methods Tip: Students believe some principles are universally true, but not personally applicable.
When I first began teaching, I realized that even though people understood what I was saying, they didn’t always apply the principles to their life. It was a bit frustrating because they could alleviate many of the problems and issues in their life if they applied just a few of the principles, but for one reason or another, they didn’t.
As a result, I began trying to figure out Sunday school teaching strategies and methods that build a bridge from what listeners cognitively understand on the one side, to their personal set of beliefs, views, actions, values, attitudes, priorities, hopes, dreams, opinions, prejudices, will, and commitments that are on the other side. What I discovered was that, after they cognitively understand the lesson and how they can apply it to their life, sometimes the principles stay right there, in that cognitive area of their head where they simply understand the truth.
Sunday school Teaching methods that help students integrate truths into their life

Finding a Sunday school teaching method to help them integrate the truths into their lives was challenging. Even though they listened to and comprehended the lesson, that didn’t always mean they personally accepted the truths and application as their own. At times, it seemed as if some sort of roadblock kept what they understood in their head from being accepted into their heart. Even though they understood the truths, concepts, and application, that didn’t mean they automatically believed it, accepted it, valued it, committed to it, and made it a priority in their life.
It’s almost as if listeners have a public Scratchpad in their head that is entirely different from their closely guarded private list of beliefs, opinions, values, and attitudes they hold in their heart. Their Scratchpad acts like public storage for various ideas and thoughts. Throughout each and every day, including when you teach, it’s as if your listeners freely write down on their Scratchpad all the views, ideas, and values they hear. Sometimes they accept particular truths and integrate them into their life. Other times, the truths make it to their Scratchpad, hit a roadblock, and stop right there, never making it to their heart, where life change becomes a reality.
Sunday school Teaching strategies that help listeners remove integration roadblocks
In order to help learners remove these roadblocks, I had to develop the Sunday school teaching strategies and methods that now make up the Teaching To Transform Not Inform series. For more information, see the other articles in this website or order a copy of the Teaching To Transform Not Inform series in our store.
Sunday school teaching strategies | Teaching methods
Even though listeners may comprehend
your lesson, roadblocks hinder them
from personally accepting it.
To find more links on Sunday school teaching strategies | Teaching methods, see the following:
- How to Grow Your Sunday School
- How to teach a Bible study
- Teaching the Bible
- Teaching a Bible study
- How to teach a Bible study fellowship lesson
- How to lead a Bible study
- Bible study lesson
- Bible study training
- Sunday school teaching strategies | Teaching methods
- Sunday school teaching strategies | Teaching methods
- by Brad Simon
- Find us on Google+
Book 1 Topics for: Sunday school teaching strategies | Book 2 Topics for: Sunday school teaching methods |
For informational lessons, you teach more by teaching more (chapter 3) | Effective Sunday school teaching methods include the seven teaching elements included in the book. |
For transformational lessons, you teach more by teaching less (chapter 3) | The Sticky Proverb makes your lesson stick in pupils' memory (chapter 2) |
Effective teaching strategies create ripples that continues into eternity (chapter 6) | The Visual Anchor helps students understand, visualize, and remember your lesson (chapter 5) |
Sunday school teaching strategies | Teaching methods | Effective Sunday school teaching methods include Avoiding Ramblemation (chapter 3) |