Sunday School Teacher Training Workshops
Topic: Host a live M28:20 Sunday school teacher training workshop
Sunday school teacher training workshops equip teachers to fulfill the Great Commission
In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus gives us a strong reason for conducting Sunday school teacher training workshops. In the passage, Jesus calls us to not simply share the gospel with the entire world, but to make disciples. This is one of the highest callings of the teacher: "Therefore go and make disciples...teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."
If you're a teacher, notice that Jesus does not call you to teach your class WHAT to obey or even HOW to obey; rather, Jesus says, "make disciples...teaching them TO OBEY." In short, the Great Commission makes life-altering transformation (not simply information or explanation) our primary teaching goal.
As a result, M28:20 has designed Sunday school teacher training workshops to help teachers fulfill this Great Commission through their teaching ministry. The workshops provide a simple, practical, step-by-step process for creating and teaching Sunday school lessons that change hearts and transform lives. As teachers go through each book or seminar in this series, it builds on previous ones giving you a linear path for developing more and more advanced teaching skills. This innovative practical series is full of examples and how-to steps to ensure your Bible lessons lead listeners into an intimate relationship with Christ.
Sunday school teacher training workshop 1 outline:
It's about Transformation, not Simply Information or Explanation
Jesus calls you to fulfill the Great Commission by teaching them to obey
How to Transform Both the Head and Heart
Build a bridge from the Bible to your listeners' head, around roadblocks, then to their heart
How You Teach MORE by Teaching less (Part 1)
See more life change by covering fewer verses/topics at a greater depth
How You Teach MORE by Teaching less (Part 2)
Choose the most effective format. Which one do you use?
Become One of the Imperfect People God Uses
How to boldly teach and challenge your class despite your past and weaknesses
Create a Ripple That Continues into Eternity
Your impact does not stop at the end of ripples from person to person to person all the way into eternity
Sunday school teacher training workshop 2 outline:
The Seven Ingredients
The seven ingredients that make Bible studies more transformational than informational
The Sticky Proverb
Help listeners live godly lives by building your lessons around practical, memorable, life-principles
Avoid Ramblemation
Transform lives with lessons focused on and centered around the Sticky Proverb
Captivating Introduction
Instantly grab and hold attention by connecting listeners to the lesson's application and relevance
The Visual Anchor
Create a lesson listeners will remember for 5 or 10 years...maybe a lifetime
Here's-How Teaching
Teach a lesson listeners can apply
Remove Roadblocks
Lead listeners around the obstacles that hinder their growth
The Conclusion Challenge
Encourage life-change by concluding with a clear, specific, doable challenge

Sunday school teacher training workshops Tip: Information and explanation are foundational to your teaching, but transformation is the goal!
Sunday school teacher training workshops
Discover the seven ingredients that make a Bible study more transformational than informational
To find more links on Sunday school teacher training workshops, see the following:
- How to Grow Your Sunday School
- Sunday School Teacher Training
- How to Train Sunday School Teachers
- Benefits of training Sunday school teachers
- Sunday school teacher training resources
- Sunday school teacher training workshops
- Sunday school teacher training workshops
- by Brad Simon
- Find us on Google+
Book 1 Topics for: Sunday school teacher training workshops | Book 2 Topics for: Sunday school teacher training workshops |
Seminars contain foundational principles for teaching transformational lessons | A popular workshop format is a Friday night meeting, then a few Satuday meetings. |
Breakout classes for specific topics | The Sunday school teacher training workshops include round table discussions so your teachers can discuss how to apply the principles to their specific classes. |
The Teaching To Transform Not Inform books can be used in discussion groups or study groups. | Teachers have time to exchange ideas. |
Sunday school teacher training workshops | Call to obtain more information about the M28:20 Sunday school teacher training workshops. |