Sunday School Teacher
Job Description
Topic: The Sunday school teacher job description should primarily revolve around prayer, preparation, and teaching.
Sunday School Teacher Job Description specifics

The Sunday school teacher’s job description centers around leading class members people into an intimate relationship with Christ so they become Christ followers who serve him through evangelism, discipleship, fellowship, ministry, and worship. Other class members should be enlisted to help with the other class responsibilities.
- This is a one year commitment.
- Arrive 15 minutes early to help welcome class members.
- Build relationships with participants outside of class to better understand their needs and to help them develop their relationship with Christ.
- Faithfully prepare and teach the lesson on your designated week.
(2 Timothy 2:15) - Your goal is not to teach the lesson, but to change lives as you teach God's Word. (1 Corinthians 4:2)
- Teachers will have approx. 45 minutes to teach.
- If you finish your lesson early, take time to pray together as a class.
- If you are not able to teach, please contact your class coordinator so they can make arrangements for a substitute teacher. Note, substitute teachers must have been previously approved by the Pastor/Assoc. Pastor and the Dept. Director.
- Dismiss on time. Remember, the class that comes in after your class needs time to set up and prepare for their class time.
- Attend teacher training/planning meetings. (Luke 14:28-30)
- Teachers may team teach, but they must have a definite, predefined, teaching schedule. In other words, don’t have teachers sign up sheet the week before they are teaching. Give teachers time to prepare for and meditate on their lesson.
- All teaching material or literature must first be pre-approved by the Pastor/Assoc. Pastor. (1 Cor.3:10)
- Enlist an apprentice from the class and give him opportunities to teach with the goal of developing a new teacher who can start a new class within two years.
- Teach in word and deed. Allow your class to see how you live out your faith in day-to-day life in speech and conduct (personal devotions, family life, evangelism, discipleship, etc.).
- Center your ministry around wining your class God and growing them in Christ (Proverbs 11:30)
Sunday school teacher job description: Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still; teach a righteous man and he will add to his learning.
Proverbs 9:9

Sunday school teacher job description
Therefore go and make disciples . . . baptizing . . .
and teaching them to obey everything
I have commanded you.
Matthew 28:19-20
To learn more about Sunday school teacher job description, see the books in the Teaching To Transform Not Inform series.
If you are putting together a Sunday school teacher job description for your church, you will also be interested in the “Teaching To Transform Not Inform” series. This series shows your teachers how to teach life-altering lessons using a simple, practical, step-by-step techniques and methods. Visit our store to get a more detailed outline of the books.

To find more links and insights on the Sunday school teacher job description, see the following:
- How to Grow Your Sunday School
- How to be a Sunday school teacher
- How To Teach Sunday School
- Teaching Adult Sunday School
- Goal of Teaching Sunday School
- How to become a better, more effective, Sunday school teacher
- How to improve my your teaching skills techniques
- How to improve my your teaching skills techniques
- Sunday school teacher responsibilities and duties
- Sunday school teacher job description
- Sunday school superintendent
- Sunday school job description
- Sunday school teacher job description
- Sunday school teacher job description
- by Brad Simon
- Find us on Google+
Book 1 Topics for: Sunday school teacher job description | Book 2 Topics for: Sunday school teacher job description |
How the teacher teaches more by teaching less | The Sunday school teacher's qualifications. |
The Sunday school teacher's commitments and concerns. | The Sunday school teacher's function inside and outside of the classroom. |
When the teacher fulfills his or her ministry description, he creates ripple that continues into eternity. | The teacher's job description is not a series of obligations, but a series of opportunities to change lives for eternity. |
Sunday school teacher job description | The position description remind teachers of the different areas that improve their teaching ministry. |