Customer Reviews
Excellent book. I used a good bit of this information in a Sunday School Director's workshop! Such good information - every church should have this book in their library for teachers, leaders, directors etc to glean from!
Ms Muddon
Dr. Simon,
I wanted to let you know that we used your DVD for our teacher training last week, and it was wonderful. We had around 19 in attendance. Since the seminar, we’ve been using the principles and after Sunday school or Bible study is over you hear our teachers saying, “OK, how did you like my visual anchor? What about the Sticky Proverb?” It lets me know they understood the principles and took them to heart and are applying them.
The part that was really interesting and that I wasn’t expecting was that our Bible study teachers, who are also middle and high school teachers, wanted the DVD for school purposes. They just kept talking about the sticky proverb, and even after we finished the seminar, we kept hearing about it.
All and all, the seminar was a wonderful experience, but I think next time, we are going to need more than 4 hours. We tried to tackle this between 10am to 2pm on Saturday, and we didn’t have enough time for some of the discussions in the middle and end of each lesson. We’re thinking our next seminar will need to be either an all day training, a Friday night and Saturday morning training, or maybe do it on three or four Wednesday nights.
It was life changing. Now, our teachers are able to evaluate their own teaching and even help each other. Thanks so much!
Atlanta, GA
The first seminar went great, but around 8 people couldn't make it, so we're offering the seminar again this Saturday. We had enough books left over for those eight, but now we have 18 who signed up for it! Evidently, the word it out and many more have decided to take it. We are going to need you to rush us an 10 additional books please.
Atlanta, GA
Immensely practical! I used book 1 and 2 for a Grad Level Teaching the Bible course I taught at Oral Roberts University. I had the students make PowerPoint presentations based upon these texts which they could later use for teacher training in ministry. Great material, Dr. Simon! The books include good application exercises as well.
Oral Roberts University
Dr. Simon,
You don't need to get back to me. I just wanted to let you know how your material continues to impact the teachers in our church. I first took 12 teachers through the 2 books. 9 months later we had a refresher session where the teachers enthusiastically shared the ways their teaching has been improved. Other teachers in the church contact me to find out about "the books" they have heard about. And I'm currently preparing to teach and --yet again - pulling out your books to re-read sections as I wrestle with "the connection" for this lesson! I recently read an article on how Steve Jobs was an amazing "presenter" and found it amusing how many of his "strengths" matched points in the books. Good communication is good communication. Glad we are communicating something so much more significant than the fine points of an iphone!!
Joyce Confino
Hi Dr. Simon,
I recently conducted a Teacher's Workshop at my church with Teaching to Transform Not Inform and what was amazing about the reactions of the class was that not only did they feel that this class was going to help them tremendously with preparing their Sunday school lessons but also the fact that they felt the concepts could apply to many other areas of their lives. One student mentioned that "it not only made her want to write a better Sunday school plan but she felt that even when she speaks verbally, she should also be mindful of those same seven principles when trying to win people over to Christ”. Thank you so much for making my first training class as painless as possible. God bless!
Shirley Simpson
Associate Pastor
Great Book! We used this book in our Sunday Bible School Conference last year. It contains a wealth of information for Bible Teachers.
Dr. Draper S. Wright
Dr. Simon
I've known for years that "just teaching truth" was not enough. But it was not until I read the Teaching To Transform Not Inform series that I was able to help teachers understand how critical it was. This two book series is Biblical, practical, and understandable. It now is the foundation of our teacher development ministry at our church.
Brother Fred Hutto
County Line Baptist Church
Dr. Simon
I am so looking forward to your second DVD. I have read thro both bks and listened to DVD 01 twice now. Thank you for all your work in putting these materials together. I have always loved teaching Sunday School. You brought so much clarity on how to teach for eternity. I am so looking forward to where all of this will take our Christian Ed.
Caring for the Heart Ministries
Excellent book! I am going to use it for an upcoming training session.
Dr. Simon,
Two principles stand out as priceless to me.
First, the 'sticky proverb' works great because it is like the sticky notes everyone uses to remind them of important things. The proverb acts like a sticky note for the mind, and it will get to the heart.
Second, Teaching more by teaching less. Being 76 years old, and having been saved since age 13; I have heard mostly informational teaching, and it doesn't do much for me. I always have to step back from it and find one point that I can remember that I need. That is my reaction, and my education includes a Bachelor of Theology.
I shared those two principles with my pastor, and to my surprise, he employed them in his next teaching session. Comments I heard were: "The best he has ever taught; that was a fantastic lesson; he really gave me something I can hang on to."
Thanks for the Materials.
Bois D. Cuneio
Way of the Cross Baptist Church
Over the last several years, we have attempted to be a Transformational Sunday School rather than just a general Sunday School of fellowship and information. In the 2014 (month of October), we trained our teachers from the Teaching To Transform Not Inform Book #1. The sessions were great. We are looking forward this October (2015) to train with book #2. We already see our teachers and potential teachers, all geared up for another great study. Your Books have been a blessing to us.
Thomas Levine, Sunday School Supt.
Antioch Missionary Baptist Church
Of Sn Antonio, Texas
Hello Brad,
Teaching To Transform Not Inform 2 came in the mail today. A quick look tells me this is a helpful teaching tool.
In Christ,
Dennis Daye
Dr. Simon,
I used your books and my seminar was a success. My group was 30 Sunday school teachers and children church workers. We did a demonstration on teaching from heart to heart and people were in tears.
Thank you much,
Faith Apostolic Tabernacle
The two Teaching To Transform Not Inform books are the best I've seen in explaining why our teaching needs to be transformational, rather than informational. Beyond that, Dr. Simon explains, in very clear and practical terms, exactly how to prepare a lesson that is biblically accurate and reaches learners' hearts as well as their minds in order to create and grow disciples of Christ. I can't wait to share this with the rest of our teachers. I am convinced it will transform our teaching!
Joyce Confino
Douglassville, PA
Good for Church Education. Used to teach Sunday School teachers. Great teaching tool.
Joann Hickson
I will be able to use this book for many classes and workshops that I must prepare and present.
Thank you.
These books have been a big help to me in the training of Sunday School and Bible club teachers in the Dominican Republic where I am a missionary.
Darlene Rimer
Dominican Republic Missionary
I really like your series... as a sunday school teacher in our church, I have so much to learn. Thank you and God bless!
San Juan, Philippines
I love the books! I told my Sunday school director, who found the books, "I think you've got something here." These are making me rethink some things. As I was reading the book, it was so funny, because I was saying to myself, "Come on...bring it on. I may be doing some of that Ramlemation you're talking about. We've got to stay on our toes." As I talked with my director, I said, "Do we want to give everyone an outline when they watch the DVD?" but she said, "We can, but I don't want to give a lot of detail because I want them to read that book!" and I said, "I got ya."
Atlanta, GA
This book is great for those interested in taking the bible teaching to a higher level. Great book to enhance bible teaching skills. Great book to enhance bible teaching skills.
J. H. Houstonon
Loved the Sticky Proverb and Visual Anchor. Makes the main point easier for the class to remember. Best part was Teach Less to Teach More. Keeps the class focused and dont get on as many tangents.
Robert W Griffin
I am learning a great deal from this book. How to apply different teaching techniques . It has taught me how to draw more out of the class, as well as shifting the concept and truths of Gods Word from head knowledge to heart knowledge!
Thumbs up!
Good for Church Education. Used to teach Sunday School teachers. Great teaching tool.
Joann Hicks
Very good book
Dave DuBois
Excellent material and well presented – I would recommend it for anyone who preaches or teaches and wants to raise their level of effectiveness for the kingdom.
Bro. Paul
Hi Dr. Simon,
I just wanted to let you know that the Teaching to Transform Not Inform training workshop was a great success today. Thank you so much for your help and insight on how to proceed with the training.
Associate Pastor
Faith Walk Ministries