How to teach a youth Sunday school
Topic: How to teach a youth Sunday school class

Integrate a Visual Anchor into every youth Sunday school class
The Visual Anchor helps listeners remember the Sunday school lesson by connecting the main truths or points in the lesson with a visual concrete image, object, story, illustration, analogy, example, metaphor, testimony, or real-life situation. For example, last week I taught on Galatians 6:7-10. The message centered around the principle of sowing and reaping: "sowing to the Spirit" (or planting good seed) and "sowing to the flesh" (or planting bad seeds).
To help everyone "see" the truths, I talked about how our lives are like a garden. The middle of the garden may represent our interaction with our family. The left corner represents our place of employment, the right corner is our involvement at church, the left side relates to neighborhood relationships, the back corner may include all the errands we run, and so forth. As we are involved in ministry, work, and the lives of others, we are constantly planting seeds, whether good or bad.
Tip for how to teach
a youth Sunday school class:
Effective teachers constantly expand the circle representing their teaching style and teach outside of that circle on a regular basis.
As I talked about how we plant good seeds, I held up packages of watermelon, tomato, and cucumber seeds. As I discussed how we can also plant negative seeds, I told them the story about how one of my kids cleaned out the bird cage when they were younger, and they threw all the extra bird seeds in my garden. Even though they sowed the bird seed due to careless actions, I still reaped a garden full of weeds. The principle: no matter which type of seed you plant, whether intentional or not, both result in a harvest. The garden representing your life will be full of either delicious vegetables or destructive weeds depending on what you sow. So, be careful to plant good seeds instead of tossing bird seed all across your garden. Decide what crop you want, then plant accordingly.
How to teach a youth Sunday school class:
Instead of including all you learn,
learn what to include.

Find more links on how to teach a youth Sunday school class, see the following:
- How to Grow Your Sunday School
- How to Teach a Student Bible Study
- How to Teach a Student Sunday School Class
- How to Teach a Sunday School Class for Teenagers
- How to teach a youth Bible study
- How to teach a youth Sunday school class
- How to Teach a Bible Study for Teenagers
- How to teach a youth Sunday school class
- How to teach a youth Sunday school class
- by Brad Simon
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Effective youth Sunday schools | Sunday school lessons for youth |
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