How to Teach a Sunday School Class for Teenagers
Topic: How to teach a Sunday school class for teenagers MORE by teaching less
Why not just teach an InfoTransformational lesson?

Obviously, when teaching a Sunday school class for teenagers, the next logical question is, “Why not just teach informational lessons that are also transformational?” Well, if you can do this, by all means, do it. However, it is fairly difficult to do for at least three reasons. First, you’re limited in the amount of time you have to teach each lesson. Second, teaching a transformational lesson usually takes up all of the teaching time. Last, the teaching principles used to teach a transformational lesson are often different, or even opposite in some cases, from those used to teach an informational lesson.
Chapter 3 and 4 in Teaching To Transform Not Inform 1, continues to unfold this principle and explain the practical implecations it has for teaching transformational Sunday school classes for teenagers. You will also see why this principle makes it difficult to combine an informational lesson with a transformational lesson so that you end up with some sort of InfoTransformational lesson.

How to teach a Sunday school class for teenagers Tip: “Teach Less” in the sense of breadth of topics or verses covered in each lesson.
Without a doubt, it would be wonderful if you could consistently teach InfoTransformational lessons that present large chunks of information while also transforming lives. Unfortunately, as we shall see, what we often think is an InfoTransformational lesson is, in reality, an informational lesson in disguise. In my experience, most teachers who desire to be transformational, but violate the “teach MORE by teaching less” principle, end up teaching informational lessons.
More tips on how to teach a Sunday school class for teenagers.
And, of course, that is the goal of the “Teaching To Transform Not Inform” series: to point out some of the most effective teaching principles you can use, why and when you should use them, and how they will impact your listeners. For example, in the second book in the series, you will discover the goal and purpose of seven of the most important teaching principles you should include in every lesson. Visit our store to get a more detailed outline of the book that will show you how to teach Sunday School.
How to teach a Sunday school class for teenagers
“For informational lessons, you “Teach MORE by
teaching more.” For Transformational lessons, you
“Teach MORE by Teaching less.”

More links on how to teach a Sunday school class for teenagers, see the following:
- How to Grow Your Sunday School
- How to Teach a Student Bible Study
- How to Teach a Student Sunday School Class
- How to Teach a Sunday School Class for Teenagers
- How to teach a youth Bible study
- How to teach a youth Sunday school class
- How to Teach a Bible Study for Teenagers
- How to teach a Sunday school class for teenagers
- How to teach a Sunday school class for teenagers
- by Brad Simon
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Book 1 Topics for: How to teach a Sunday school class for teenagers | Book 2 Topics for: Teaching Sunday school for teenagers |
Teaching teen Sunday school class | The Sunday school teacher for teenagers |
Instructing teens during Sunday school | Explaining the Bible to teenagers |
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