How to Teach a Student Sunday School
Topic: How to teach a student Sunday school
The Riddle's Solution
Determine your teaching goal: information or transformation
How to teach a student Sunday school by teaching less. Before preparing your lesson outline, establish the goal of the lesson: information or transformation. Of course, these goals are not mutually exclusive in that informational lessons transform lives and transformational lessons contain information. Nevertheless, each goal requires its own specific set of teaching principles.
When teaching an informational lesson, my primary goal is to transfer as much information as possible from my brain to your brain. Of course, I hope it impacts your life as well, but with an informational lesson, if I have to choose between information and application, information wins. Why? Because that is my goal: a cognitive information transfer.
How to teach a student Sunday school Tip: “Teaching less" doesn't mean lessons are shorter; they are just more focused.”
For example, a lesson on the five points of Calvinism, a historical overview of the Old Testament, or the historical background of the book of Romans would probably be informational lessons. On the other hand, when I teach a student Sunday school or small group Bible study, I usually choose to make those transformational lessons.
Either way, first decide if your lesson is going to be informational or transformational. Both lesson formats are valid and have their place in the equipping of the saints. Informational lessons primarily focus on content, whereas transformational lessons primarily focus on life change. Then, after you decide which type of lesson you are going to teach, apply the appropriate teaching principles.
The Teaching To Transform Not Inform series shows you step-by-step how to teach MORE by teaching less so you can effectively teach a student Sunday school.
Of course, these articles are just the tip of the iceburg for how to teach a student Sunday school. The Teaching To Transform Not Inform series provides some of the most effective teaching principles for teaching students.Visit our store to get a more detailed outline of the books and how they will help you teach a student Sunday school.
How to teach a student Sunday school:
“Covering less material allows time to
articulate the central truth,
substantiate its roots in the text,
illustrate how it can be applied, and
eliminate reasons why it won't be applied”
Why not just teach an InfoTransformational lesson?

For more links on teaching a Sunday school for students, see the following:
- How to Grow Your Sunday School
- How to Teach a Student Bible Study
- How to Teach a Student Sunday School Class
- How to Teach a Sunday School Class for Teenagers
- How to teach a youth Bible study
- How to teach a youth Sunday school class
- How to Teach a Bible Study for Teenagers
- Tips on Teaching Student Sunday School Lessons
- How to teach a student Sunday school
- by Brad Simon
- Find us on Google+
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