How to Teach a Student Bible Study
Topic: How to teach a student Bible study
How to teach MORE by teaching less

How to teach a student Bible study by teaching less. I have always enjoyed riddles that reveal how something that sounds impossible is possible or how something that appears to be completely wrong is, in fact, right. I still remember some of the riddles I heard as a child such as this one: “What grows bigger the more you take away from it?” Initially, I thought, “Well, nothing. I mean, how can something get bigger the more you take away from it?” Of course, when I heard the answer was a hole, I laughed because the impossible became possible in a single word.

The Transformational Riddle
In today’s lesson, we are going to look at a riddle that also looks unsolvable; and yet when solved, it reveals one of the foundational principles for developing transformational lessons. Here it is:
How do you teach MORE by teaching less?
How to teach a student Bible study Tip: “Teach less by identifying the lesson's exact truths, principles, and goal.”
Like all riddles, initially it appears that any answer would be wrong, backward, or impossible; however, once you understand the answer, you understand how, in fact, you teach MORE by teaching less. The answer isn’t a one-liner as with most riddles; rather, it will take most of the chapter to explain. By the end of the chapter, you will know how to teach more by excluding much of what you planned on including and by omitting many of the main points, sub-points, and illustrations you planned on presenting. It sounds wrong, right? It is a riddle that has taken years to solve, yet it is one worth solving, so let’s get started.
The Teaching To Transform Not Inform series shows you step-by-step how to teach MORE by teaching less to help you teach a student Bible study.
You can find a full discussion on Teaching MORE by teaching less in chapter 3 and 4 in Teaching To Transform Not Inform 1. The series will teach you some of the most effective teaching principles for teaching a student Bible study, why and when you should use them, and how they will impact your students' lives.Visit our store to get a more detailed outline of the books and how they will help you teach a student Bible study.
How to teach a student Bible study:
“First, determine if your goal is
information or transformation.”

Find more links on how to teach a student Bible study, see the following:
- How to Grow Your Sunday School
- How to Teach a Student Bible Study
- How to Teach a Student Sunday School Class
- How to Teach a Sunday School Class for Teenagers
- How to teach a youth Bible study
- How to teach a youth Sunday school class
- How to Teach a Bible Study for Teenagers
- Teaching youth about financies
- How to teach a student Bible study
- by Brad Simon
- Find us on Google+
- Teaching's unique opportunity
- This goal will change your teaching
- How to become an effective teacher
- Teaching Tom missed it; do you?
- But why Teach Sunday School?
- How to double your impact
- Transformational strategies & methods
- Impacting more than one generation
- Object lessons for Sunday school
Book 1 Topics for: How to teach a student Bible study | Book 2 Topics for: How to teach a student Bible study |
How You Teach More by Teaching Less | Foundational, solid Bible studies for students |
Teaching students the Bible | The Sticky Proverb |
Teaching biblical studies in a practical, transformational way | The Visual Anchor |
How to teach a student Bible study | Avoiding Ramblemation |