Learn How to Teach
the Head and the Heart
Learn how to fulfill the Great Commission
An M28:20 Teaching To Transform Not Inform live seminar will equip your teachers to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) through their teaching ministry. It first helps them understand how their teaching ministry is central to fulfilling the Great Commission, then second, it specifically teaches them how to change an informationally or educationally oriented lesson into a life-altering transformational one. It reveals how to not only teach the head but also the heart which results in changed lives.
Learn specific, how-to, teaching methods
The seminars are packed with core principles and specific, how-to, teaching methods. In order to cover all the key material, the seminars have been streamlined so that only that which is absolutely essential is included. Even if your teachers have already had a fair amount of training, it is common to hear them say,
I've never heard this before . . . I wish I understood this 20 years ago!
The reason much of the seminar content is new is because we focus on equipping teachers how to teach both the head and the heart.
Learn how to teach them to obey
Many seminars do a great job of explaining how to teach a relevant, applicable, educationally-oriented Bible lesson, but they are a little less clear on what to do when listeners have a hard time personally accepting or applying the truth. Consequently, teachers often have a pretty good understanding of how to transfer truths from the Bible to the cognitive part of the listener's head where they understand the biblical principles and application. However, they aren't always sure how to help those who understand the lesson yet fail to integrate it into their life for one reason or another.
As a result, listeners learn WHAT the Bible says and HOW they can apply it, but for some reason, it doesn't always CHANGE their life. In other words, your teachers have learned how to teach the head, but are less clear on how to teach the heart. Because Jesus has called us to "teach them to obey" rather than "teach them to understand," the Teaching To Transform Not Inform series has been created to equip your teachers to teach both the head and the heart.
To learn more about hosting a live Teaching To Transform Not Inform seminar, click the button below to fill out the Hosting a Conference Inquiry Form and we will contact you to answer any questions you might have!