Free Training Materials for Sunday School Teachers
(The following principles are taken from Teaching To Transform Not Inform 1)
Free training materials for Sunday school teachers can be found on Amazon

We have made available on Amazon, free training materials for Sunday school teacher training. Click here to locate our books on Amazon, then click the thumbnail image of the book. This will allow you to view a few sample pages. In those pages, you will find all of the chapter outlines listed together right after the table of contents. These outlines are a great resource for training Sunday school teachers.
Each outline is fairly detailed so each point in the outline corresponds to only a few paragraphs in the book. This makes it easy to teach from the outlines without additional notes since each point will prompt you for what to say next.
Free training materials for Sunday school teachers taken from Teaching To Transform Not Inform 2
Below is an example of the free training materials for Sunday school teacher training. The outline below is taken from chapter two in Teaching To Transform Not Inform 1:
How to Transform Both the Head and Heart
Build a bridge from the Bible to the head, around roadblocks, then to their heart

- Initially, I learned how to build a bridge from the Bible to the head (Scratchpad)
- Delivery style
- Lesson structure
- Relational aspects
- But I discovered I still didn't always know how to help listeners
- ...integrate difficult truths into their lives
- ...transfer difficult truths from their Scratchpad to their heart
- and remove roadblocks
- Later, I learned how to build a bridge from the head to the heart.
- Do roadblocks matter?
- Roadblocks must be addressed
- Address roadblocks at the beginning of the lesson
During your Sunday school teacher training meeting, hand out the above materials and simply teach through it, discussing the principle related to each point. Because each point only corresponds to a few paragraphs in the book, each point will remind you of what to say next. Preparation, teaching, and learning couldn't be easier.
See Amazon for additional free training materials for Sunday school teachers
Make sure to visit Amazon to obtain the additional free training materials for Sunday school teachers. Of course, you will want to purchase the book as well so you have all the points and principles . . . right? :-)

For more links on free training materials for Sunday school teachers, see the following:
- Materials that help you grow your Sunday school
- Additional information for leading Sunday school teacher training
- Benefits of cultivating Sunday school teachers
- Sunday school training
- by Brad Simon
- Find us on Google+
Book 1 contains notes for six free outlines for Sunday school teacher training materials | Book 2 contains 7 free training materials for Sunday school teachers |
Within this material, you will discover how to teach more by teaching less | Detailed teaching methodology |
Abstracts for teacher training materials | What results from helping listeners "see" your lesson |
Understanding the God-given goal of teaching | The Visual Anchor |
See our free training materials for Sunday school teachers on Amazon | Avoiding Ramblemation examples |